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Chicken Molds

Farfrae Barron Ambustio

Marsh Daisy Cockerel

Cockerel Mold

Leftover spare from Hullands Live 2017 which were sold online after the show.

Latin: Conflagration

Farfrae Sir Obliquum

Wyandotte Cockerel

Cockerel Mold

Lake District Live 2017 spare.

Latin: Oblique

Farfrae Lord Maleficum

Ayam Cemani Cockerel

Cockerel Mold

Special order "Voodoo Rooster" from 2019.

Latin: Witch Doctor

Farfrae Chairman Amoris Cinere

Breda Cockerel

Cockerel Mold

Lake District Live 2019 spare.

Latin: Ashes of Love

Farfrae Mr. Sollicitus

Dorking Cockerel

Cockerel Mold

Lake District Live 2019 spare.

Latin: Worries

Farfrae President Nequa Atramento

Lakenvelder Cockerel

Cockerel Mold

Lake District Live 2019 spare.

Latin: Ink blot

Farfrae Prince Lutum

Vorwerk Cockerel

Cockerel Mold

Spare from the "75th Anniversary Spares Night" Sept. 2020

Latin: Mud

Farfrae Archbishop Bis Coquitur

Nankin Bantam Cockerel

Cockerel Mold

Spare from the "April Spares Night" 2021

Latin: Twiced baked - the phrase from which biscuit, ie cookie, was derived.

Farfrae Lady Oculus Malus

Sussex Hen

Pecking Hen (Fluffy) Mold

Lake District Live 2019 Spare. One of the first released of this mold.

Latin: Evil eye

Farfrae Miss Cataegis

Sussex Hen

Pecking Hen (Fluffy) Mold

Spare from the "75th Anniversary Spares Night" Sept. 2020

Latin: Flurry

Farfrae Madam Marmorata

Erminette Hen

Pecking Hen (Fluffy) Mold

Spare from the "75th Anniversary Spares Night" Sept. 2020

Latin: Marbled

Farfrae Queen Occasus Solis

Rhode Island Red Hen

Pecking Hen (Fluffy) Mold

From "Pets Spares Night" 2021

Latin: Sunset

Farfrae Mrs. Saburralis

Wyandotte Hen

Pecking Hen (Large) Mold

Lake District Live 2019 Spare. One of the first released of this mold.

Latin: Sandy

Farfrae Empress Viator

Barnevelder Hen

Pecking Hen (Large) Mold

Julip Live Spare 2019.

Latin: Tourist

Farfrae Marchioness Porrigo

Vorwerk Hen

Pecking Hen (Stretchy) Mold

Lake District Live 2019 Spare. One of the first released of this mold.

Latin: Stretch/reach

Farfrae Duchess Vici

Serama Bantam Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Leftover spare from Hullands Live 2017 which were sold online after the show.

Latin: I conquered

Farfrae Countess Vidi

Pekin Bantam Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Leftover spare from Hullands Live 2017 which were sold online after the show.

Latin: I Saw

Farfrae Baroness Veni

Hybrid (layer) Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Leftover spare from Hullands Live 2017 which were sold online after the show.

Latin: I came

Farfrae Right Honourable Lady Aquila

Dorking Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Lake District Live Spare 2017.

Latin: Eagle

Farfrae Marchioness Cinere

Wyandotte Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Lake District Live Spare 2017.

Latin: Ash

Farfrae Madam Natalem

Rhodebar Hen

Standing Hen Mold

A surprise birthday gift from Laura of Julip when we visted her during our 2017 fall holiday.

Latin: Birthday

Farfrae Viscountess Donum

Buff Orpington Hen

Standing Hen Mold

A surprise birthday gift from Laura of Julip when we visted her during our 2017 fall holiday.

Latin: Gift

Farfrae Empress Duobus Signis

Hybrid (layer) Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Special order "Chimera Chicken" from 2018.

Latin: Two-faced

Farfrae Princess Torreo

Wyandotte Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Lake District Live Spare 2018.

Latin: White-hot

Farfrae Mrs. Timuitque

Barbu d'Uccle Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Leftover spare from Lake District 2018 which were sold online after the show.

Latin: Fluttered

Farfrae Viscountess Vere Viridis

Lime Leghorn Hen

Standing Hen Mold

"Lime Leghorn" from my rainbow pet special order in 2019.

Latin: Spring green

Farfrae Princess Operosus

Sussex Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Spare from the "75th Anniversary Spares Night" Sept. 2020

Latin: Busy

Farfrae Empress Cerasus

Rhode Island Red Hen

Standing Hen Mold

Spare from the "75th Anniversary Spares Night" Sept. 2020

Latin: Cherry

Farfrae Princess Pulverulenta

Delaware Hen

Standing Hen Mold

From "Pets Spares Night" 2021

Latin: Dusty

Farfrae Dame Figilina

Rhode Island Red Hen

Standing Hen Mold

From "Pets Spares Night" 2021

Latin: Pottery