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The Vintage Foal mold is an excellent example of how dramatically a mold can change as it ages.

The earliest version of the Foal mold was likely made in the 1950s to early-mid 1960s.

Height at the poll is Measurement Needed. (Height can vary several millimeters either way, depending on age and condition)

Name: Vulcan

Dates: Circa 1950s

Notes: Lightly restored. Pre-1961 due to lead leg wires

The chubby 50s Foal above was likely reworked, or possibly completely replaced by this more slender version, which is sometimes called the "Camel Foal". This change most likely took place in 1969 or the first couple of years of the 70s, when the Heaths were refurbishing and replacing the worn out 1950s molds.

The changes could be due simply to mold degradation, but at the moment I'm leaning towards the mold having been reworked as the most likely explanation.

The foal mold could be ordered with rubber or hair mane/tail.

Height at the poll is 94mm. (Height can vary several millimeters either way, depending on age and condition)

Name: Farfrae Francesca's Van der Meulen

Dates: Circa 1970s

Name: Inky

Dates: Pre-1985

Name: Farfrae Comus

Dates: Circa 1970s

Notes: Extensively restored

The "Camel Foal" in its turn was either re-worked or completely replaced by what I call the "Spider Foal", this likely occurred some time in the 1980s. I think some sort of purposeful mold alteration took place here because the "Spider Foal" is more detailed than the "Camel Foal" and the head placement is slightly different. I need to acquire an example of my own to more accurately compare them.

The "Spider Foal", with it's sharp, pointy face, and long slender legs suffered from mold deterioration and became a bit shapeless. Unlike the previous foals, this one came standard with a hair tail and rubber mane.

It was replaced in 1995 by the current walking foal mold.

Height at the poll is Measurement Needed. (Height can vary several millimeters either way, depending on age and condition)

Name: Unknown

Dates:Early 1990s

Notes: Shown in the catalogue

The mold for the "Spider Foal" was rediscovered around 2007 and was briefly reintroduced. The mold was only used for a couple of years as it degraded very quickly and became little more than a bloated foal-shaped figure. I refer to this as the "Marshmallow Foal" period.

Height at the poll is 98mm. (Height can vary several millimeters either way, depending on age and condition)

Name: Unnamed

Dates: 2007

Notes: Special order
Name: July July

Dates: 2007

Notes: Special order
Name: Melanie

Dates: Circa 2008

Name: Axel

Dates: Circa 2008

Name: Chance and Patch's Foal

Dates: 2008

Name: Requiem's Foal

Dates: Circa 2008-2009

Name: Splash

Dates: Circa 2008-2009
